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Subtances Are Divided Into 3 Kinds

Artikel yunipedia friends it we know that substances have different resistance. It shows that the ability of substances in conducting an electric current is different from one another.

Based on the conductivity, subtances are divided into 3 kinds, those are conductors, semiconductors, and insulators.
  1. Conductors : Aconductor is a material or substance that easily conducts an electric current and is easily conducted with an electric current. The conductor materials and substances, among others, are iron, copper, aluminum, graphite, and steel.
  2. Semiconductors : A semiconductor is amaterial or substance the elecrtric conductivity of which lies between conductor and insulator. In other words, a semiconductor is a material or substance that sometimes acts as a conductor and sometime acts as an insulator. The semiconductor materials or substances, among others, are germanium, gallium, arsenic, and silicon. In semiconductor materials, the electric conductivity will be better, if the temperature is higher. At a high temperature, electrons that first are bonded by atomic nucleus will vibrate and have energy to escape themselves from their bond with atomic nucleus. That causes the number of free electron to be larger, so the electric current that flows is larger.
  3. Insulators : An insulator is a material or substance that is difficult to conduct an electric current or is not easily conducted with an electric current. The insulator materials or subtances, among others, are glass, wood, plastic, and rubber.

Reference: Irawan, Etsa Indra dan Sunardi. 2008. Pelajaran IPA-Fisika Bilingual untuk SMP/MTs. Kelas IX. Bandung: CV.Yrama Widya.